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27:24 'Balcony'

Mornings of late have a constant lingering of greyness. Silence speaks and the air murmurs. It has been chilly and most days echo back such an empty and lifeless grey with no semblance of character. I am writing this on a Sunday. A day that would normally have many of us congregate together in what we believed to be worship. For some I think it was merely to pay a duty, or a visit to a social center, but that remains a business that is not mine to engage in. Nevertheless with church buildings being shut down, they appear to be prosaic. Those I have passed by, used to have their own divine poetry that sanitized our spirits. Superiority is argued over who is louder than the other. But again, this is my analysis from the blasting of surrounding congregations.
Life at the moment feels a bit farfetched from my balcony. I, of late, find myself standing and reflecting on the unusual events taking place for the past few months. It’s a comfortable, restful space unlike the many known to be jam-packed with oil drums, and abandoned goods and chattels blanketed by dust. From where I reside it is easy to inevitably spy at your neighbors. You have other things to do, but your senses are somehow drawn to other people’s hullabaloo. Of late they use the field nearby to run in twos. The single ladies club does their work out near what looks like a fresh water pond. This pond hosts the 'duf-mpararo' for some kids who care less that an invisible killer looms in the vicinity. I miss the innocence and purity of my own childhood days, but I still get delighted and excited at such little yet life teaching activities.
Then below me, are the 'chamas' who are now investing more on shedding the calories gained rather than the known senseless gossip. They are no longer loud, all you hear are the sound of huffs and puffs from a proper work out. It is pure bliss to watch. Covid-19 has birthed models in the area. Both male and female but mostly high school and recently joined campus students. I pray to God, that they do not rely on their looks for life.
For a brief period, the sun decides to peek-a-boo. You wish it could just present itself fully, but no, it just came to let you know, it still exists. It is simply resting. It makes me wonder, if the sun can afford to take a break (like today) so can I, yes?
I’m reminded, of the times the sun sometimes has this gorgeous afterglow that backlights the trees. You appreciate the scenery, it is indeed quite fine, but let me be honest and admit, human nature is finer.
Then the sun sets later on and the scenery is drowned in the deep night. I stare into this great spectacle chanting what mostly are meaningless superlatives to myself, asking rather silly questions like, “Does God ever get bored?”
It is getting chilly, and so allow me to retrieve back into my little haven. Tell me something though, are Goosebumps considered attractive? This winter seems to have brought them in bulk. But then again much as I admire creation and the sermons they manage to preach, I prefer a living, moving and touchable being. I prefer someone to be here with me.


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