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Showing posts from November, 2019

27:14 'WHY BOTHER?' PT.2

Photo Credits: @kilographyke There are a couple of reasons why I do what I do the way I do it. I think the main question here is more the “why” than the “bother”. It is more a question of motivation and an open door to witness what is considered valuable to a person. You get to see what one considers worth it. So here is why I bother; I bother because I do not belong to myself. I belong to God. Any person that has accepted Christ through salvation comes under the authority of Christ. Authority gives instructions while at the same time providing choice and consequences. The choice to live for Christ and belonging to his kingdom comes out of a love for Him. I put God first, then put myself next in line before I let others in. I bother to love because God cared enough to love me too. I bother because I do not conform, but rather I am transformed. My mind is the hub in which dreams and visions are conceived. My mouth is the channel through which they can either be birthed or

27:13 'WHY BOTHER?'

There is something about care that makes a difference. Something about paying attention to the little things and having a genuine interest, particularly in people, that makes this world somewhat bearable. Genuine interest is an act that can only be tried and tested to be true by those that know you on a soul level. It is something actively shown, not something merely said. There is a famous quote by one John Done that states, “No man is an island”. It is an expression used to explain that self-sufficiency doesn't quite cut it for any human in life. That everybody needs somebody. That everybody needs community in order to thrive. American actor Ron Cephas Jones, in his role as William, in the hit series ‘This is Us’ mentioned a rather profound statement about community. He says, “Community, it’s a strange word on its own, a word not as warm as family. But that’s okay because we have each other. We have this place, and that’s not nothing, that’s not nothing at all.” Commu