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27:26 'In Conclusion'

       The end of another 365 is almost here. I picked a few life lessons that remain etched like tattoos both on my mind and in my heart. I picked a few out of the many overwhelming ones I would have shared, and I hope that you can maybe pick and carry one or two (or five or ten) and share them too. 1.       Learn to see people the way God sees them. I have always thought there is a reason why the famous 1 st Corinthians 13:4-8 begins with “Love is patient.” It is the foundation for all else that love is. Patience has fibres of grace, compassion, correction and truth. 2.       Do not just have goals in common, have God in common too. 3.       If you stay long enough with people that are determined to stay the course, they will brain wash you into believing that nothing is impossible. That nothing is difficult. That some things though not pleasing at first, are worth the pursuit, worth the fight and worth the risk. 4.       Grey is made up of red, blue, yellow & white

27:24 'Balcony'

Mornings of late have a constant lingering of greyness. Silence speaks and the air murmurs. It has been chilly and most days echo back such an empty and lifeless grey with no semblance of character. I am writing this on a Sunday. A day that would normally have many of us congregate together in what we believed to be worship. For some I think it was merely to pay a duty, or a visit to a social center, but that remains a business that is not mine to engage in. Nevertheless with church buildings being shut down, they appear to be prosaic. Those I have passed by, used to have their own divine poetry that sanitized our spirits. Superiority is argued over who is louder than the other. But again, this is my analysis from the blasting of surrounding congregations. Life at the moment feels a bit farfetched from my balcony. I, of late, find myself standing and reflecting on the unusual events taking place for the past few months. It’s a comfortable, restful space unlike the many known