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While the darkness settles and part of the world lays its head to rest, there  may be a few who may just burn the midnight oil, buried in their journals or sitting by a corner, full of a void that seems to be occupying their hearts at large.

On one side of the earth lay a young man. Giving thanks he is closed in for society depicts that “Real men don’t cry.” Though this time round he cares less that he is breaking the rules, for his heart chooses to be unrestrained. There’s a brokenness that desires to burst out from within and with no restrictions it seems to cause the heart to tear apart and let it come out naturally through the tears, the wailing and the mourning.

Out comes the release, the once held back mixture of several emotions intertwined too intimately to be detached from each other. They are rolled up into one big ball and settled right at the core of the heart. It was easy to compress them with a little bit of hope that things would eventually work out just fine. He was optimistic, that she would return, though the more he had his arms stretched right out for her believing that is where she belonged, the more she stared, scorned and walked away, hoping that he’d get the simple point... he wasn’t good enough for her. She had found someone else, someone better. Someone she found security in that she seemed to lack from her previous encounter. She had found someone who could take care of her, the way she wanted him to. He couldn’t do so for her, even his very best was simply average for her. He was insignificant; his ‘exodus’ felt more of a breath of fresh air to her life than a sting of pain that would awaken the senses to sensitivity, but all in all ...he loved her. But his love was just that... not good enough.

His thoughts were no longer clear, but clouded with memories of what once was; all was history and the present sunk in deep; a painful reality. She was gone, gone for good, it was over... without him yet to be understood. She had a choice to make... and yes, he chose another, not him, simply because, he was not good enough.

Now, his nights are full of lack of sleep, not even an ounce has interrupted the suddenly daily routine of thinking about her. They are colder, lonelier, and somewhat darker for the flame that once burnt bright was puffed out in an instant when she walked away, never to return to him again...
Follow this link for Part 2: The Interpretation



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