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It had nothing to do with me standing in the moonlight
In fact, the sun awoke me that day, with its refreshing rays that brought delight
And when the time had finally come,
This is what I had to say:
I stand before you here and now
Pretty nervous though but ready to make my vow
To the one man, that chose to be a warrior above all else
By guarding my heart, propelling my focus toward God and nothing less
I stand before a cloud of witnesses to testify of one thing
This queen has found someone to position as her earthly King
He walked up to me on day one
Claimed me to be shinning bright like the noon day sun
But I brushed him off and sent him on his way
Thinking that it was some sort of game he wanted to play
He kept on persisting, every night and day
Until one day, I chose to stop being stubborn, and hear what he had to say
It wasn’t anything much other than a “hallo”
And at that point in time, I was quietly uttering, “Oh, no”
I walked away hurriedly, but He took me by the hand
The look in his eyes, made me understand
He wanted something
Wanted it so bad, to the point of pleading…

Fast forward to this moment right here that was once just a dream
I can confidently state that, I wanted no other but him
My friends laughed at me, when they had almost all the men and I had none
But now they are all gone, and I stand tall, with my beloved One
Today, I kiss good-bye the moments I spent my nights all alone
I say good-bye to the times I wished I had one to call my own
Its good-bye to the many times I wished I’d hear the ring of my telephone
No more wishing; no more dreaming, my once cold nights are all gone
He is here
Not just here, but here to stay
And I promise to love Him in every way
You may now kiss your bride…
A lil’ bit delayed but for this reasons
He was lost in the view of my beautiful brown eyes
By this time, my blood was rushing through my body, at levels so high
Sliding his hand down my cheek
I admit, to some extent, I think I became weak
He then leaned forward
And oh boy didn’t I feel awkward
Breathed me in
And I had no choice but to give in
Pretty shy
At that moment, and if you were any where close you would understand why
And when our eyes closed, our lips met

I had to smile realizing it was my first
And burst with joy, knowing that it was not at any given point going to be my last.


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