But I hope when you catch a glimpse of this
You get to see that indeed I appreciate the bond between me and you.
You walked into my life when I was an infant
I was happy for a fact, and from that day, the word ‘dad’ stuck with an instant.
It never took me long to get used to you, and I still remember how I would run into your arms open wide just to be close to you
It made me feel safe, it made me feel secure
It made feel that I was special and that no matter what anyone said, I would always be special to dad
I was daddy’s little princess
You were the king
It is from you that learnt how to sing
I begun to make music, and oh what joy to all it would bring
Indeed if it wasn’t for you I don’t think I would be as highly esteemed as I am now
I decided today to write this epistle
Because after all we have been through together, there’s something deep within that still lies
Deep within our hearts, deep within our souls
Deep within our spirits is a love that nobody else knows
I may find it the hardest thing at times to say this to your face
But God in His own way, shall give me the grace
I really, honestly just wanted to say I love you
I may not have been the best of them all
But man, you have cheered me on through it all
We have had our fights, we have had our disagreements
There times I never wanted to speak
But still you found a way to make me do so
Believe it or not you are my hero
Sometimes I take time and wonder where I’d be without a father like you
But hey, why not just enjoy and make use of each day that I get to spend with you?
You are my friend, and that remains the truth to the very end
You rule your kingdom of which I am a beneficiary
And I hope one day, I will get to repay you for giving yourself to me selflessly
You give wisdom and knowledge everyday
You have given me direction, and shown me the way
You have listened to me, guided me each day
What more can a child ask for, than a father who seeks to be there for her in every way
As I write this I do so with tears in my eyes
It is from you that I gained the courage to rise
I will keep on loving you
That for sure, is my great plan
Because you are the perfect father, and I remain you’re biggest fan.
With love
Your daughter…
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