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Down a long, unending, deserted road... I walked In the shoes of a young woman, 
who regrets losing her pride, in just one night....

This is the story I got to tell...

At first sight, not many would have thought to persue in your direction
But I chose to look more than once, hoping that something about you would make you my possession

It didn't take time before I became fond of you, and you , me
And after several occasions, It was undeniable that indeed there was inbuilt chemistry
I spent better parts of my nights with you constantly on my mind
I hoped that in my dreams, it was you I would find
The 'like' abruptly changed into 'love'
Everything about you saw my fears fly away like a dove
You cared for me more than I expected
Showed your kindness,in a million ways I had never anticipated
Talked of a future that looked bright with me in it
Hence the numerous jokes of us united as one, If God above saw it fit

But the story then changed...

That Night,

I remember that  night
When every one else was out of sight
But you...

The moon was our only source of light
The many stars complimenting it were not as bright
I stood away from you, and observed you in fright
For something about the ambience did not feel right
I knew what you wanted, I knew it quite well
From the stories read and the movies watched, it was quite hard not to tell
I could see it in your eyes that peirced through mine with desire
To make myself think, that I didn't feel the same way as you, would make me a liar
And with every step you made toward me, the urge grew stronger
Until you stood right infront of me, and I suddenly became bolder

It all happened, In the nick of time
And when all was said and done, the kiss of guilt and shame, tasted as bitter as lime.
I could hardly look at you straight in the eye
Because all that raced through my mind was, 'why'?
Not so long ago, I felt a love that made me walk with my head held high
At this very moment, I bury my face in my hands, and can only help but cry
It wasn't suppose to be this way
Never in my life have  I lacked the right words to say
Nights of mourning have replaced the evenings full of gay
Lord knows, I want to fight and erase this feeling come what may
But truth be told, it's even hard to get down on bended knee and pray
In the sands of depression and loneliness is where I lay
I awaken to the voice of condemnation, and retire to the same everyday

The tears flow and I drown in anguish
But I also admit that indeed I was foolish
I wish I could change that horrible past
I would have got on my heels and run away fast
Unfortunately, that I know I cannot do
But I know I can be an example to you....

My prayer and hope though, is this...

Dear Lord,
Just as I am, I come back, Just as I am
I know I may not be worhty to deserve or recieve your forgiveness
But like the tax collector, I cry "Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner."
I have nothing to offer, but I give myself to you
Mend my broken heart
Restore the beauty for ashes, and transform me into your master peice of art
I have no where else to go Lord, Would you forgive me, heal me and rekindle the flame that was once present between you and me? Please?


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