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I tend to be one of these noisy, chattering lads at times, who is filled with joy and makes it my ambition to make everyone else around me as happy as could be. However, I can also be a silent as a church mouse, not necessarily because I have an issue (even though at times that may be the reason) but because, I just want to be silent. I want no one to tell me what to do, how to do it, what to say, where to go… I just want to be alone and think about me for a while.
So while in my zone of having some ‘me time’, I happened to think about the value and importance that we as individuals have. Do allow me to speak to the single ladies in this one, but maybe you aren’t single and just want to read through this, well, go right ahead.
Now many thoughts lingered my mind as I tried to wonder why some things occur to some people. On the outside they glow like the stars in the night sky. Walk tall with there heads held high, making it seem like all is A-okay. What we really don’t know is that what we see is but a mask of the real being. It’s somewhat like how celebrities put on make up, to at times enhance or cover their real physique to impress the public. Don’t get me wrong; I have nothing against make-up. The truth is that it is one of the small gods that people adore and down the line, get so engrossed in it that they lose their real identity.
Behind the glamour and beauty lies a bad and ugly side. It reveals the scars caused by taunts or at times very traumatic experiences. The scars may be physical or emotional. Sometimes even both. But this ten makes me wonder, could the victims have had a role to play in the things that they go through? Does the blame always have to fall on the doer of the action or at times it’s actually the recipient of the action? Make that food for thought.
The pain, the hatred, the anger and so much more is harbored within the hearts of so many girls out there. Some have claimed to  reached the end of the road, after trying so hard to change who they really ought to be into what they are not supposed to; but thank be to God who gives us a light at the end of every tunnel.
This is the reality. The reason why many pessimistic thoughts are stored in our minds is because we tend to look at things in our own eyes. We look at the mirror with the physical eyes and see this ugly, useless, unattractive, hopeless being whose has nothing to live for. I am here to tell you and let you know that that is not true. Nothing God created was said to be ugly. (Gen. 1:31) Even Lucifer before his down fall was extremely beautiful.
After all that God created, He saw it and it was very good and that include you and I. God made you in His own image, (Gen. 1:27) that means you have and own the image of God and I bet you He looks nothing close to what you see through your own eyes. God loves you. He created you and knows you inwardly. (Psalms 139:13) He made you the apple of His eye and goes on to let you know that you are fearfully wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). Do you know and believe that? If not, begin today. That truth should be your encouragement each time you stand in front of that mirror and the lies and deceit start cropping in your mind. Take some time each and every day to stand before the mirror before you leave your house, look at the person right in front of you and say this:

I am beautiful
I am treasured
I am precious
I am honored
I am one of a kind and definitely,
If you can picture God looking over your shoulder at that moment, believe me that that is what He would say to you. I love the song ‘Gorgeous’ by Lyn, who exquisitely and encouragingly says in the chorus, ’You are fearfully and wonderfully made, you’re simply Gorgeous. He’s got you crafted in the palm of His hands, coz you’re precious.’
It’s simple, yet very true and powerful at the same time.
You may be wondering and asking me how I know all this; my answer is simple. It is written in His word and His word is true. So don’t pay much of your attention to what people say about you on the outside. The world can be mean and very demanding, and if you don’t watch it, you will easily be derailed into believing that you aren’t good enough. Always keep in mind that it is what God says about you that really matters the most.
Although, also do not be too concerned about perfecting the outside covering. There’s the inner you that also needs to maintain the standards of being as good as new by being pure. 1st Peter 3:3-4 says this, “Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes.  Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight.”
The concept of GIGO (Garbage in Garbage Out explains it all. If you take in cynical thoughts about yourself and do what is contrary to God’s will, then what sprouts out of you will be negative ad you yourself will see the outcome. But if you choose to be positive and see yourself through God’s eyes, as you absorb and drown in His love, then you will not only see but experience positivity.
Rebecca St. James stated this in the book, ‘SHE’: A truly beautiful SHE is a girl who see her value as the whole package- through her inward as well as her outward beauty.
It is well known and has been said over and over again that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. Look at yourself and behold the beauty and value that which lies within you.


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