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A moment of peace and quiet seems hard to come by these days. Sleep has failed to honour many of us with its presence. Life can be messy for what seems like an unending period of time. But the other thing about it, is that it cannot and never will be linear. It is complex; complicated-and the strangest thing is there is beauty in that complicated state. You cannot really separate it in black and white, but you can recreate it into various shades of grey. But what about that pause? The pause you create because you are afraid; the pause you create because you are too worn out and tired; the pause you create when you’re trying not to cry and the tears are blurring your vision; the pause you create when you’re tormented by the lie that you are invisible- a movie playing in an empty theatre. It can be a daunting pause that endures horribly.  However, a solitary pause isn’t so bad. It teaches you the art of loving yourself so that you don’t have to use other people as coping mechanisms. You

27:23 'LOL'

Life has been defined as several things. In the present season, it feels somewhat like an uphill trek, only this time, the view does not feel so great. Today, I am here for the one who this pandemic feels like walking through a pitch-black hallway, with arms groped forward to guide, while tears block your eyes. To be honest, no one has been spared from this. No one has been let off the hook. For a few, this may be a blessing in disguise, but I am here today for the one wallowing in uncertainty. I want you to wallow until you can wallow no more. I am here for the soul that is longing to make sense of the chaos in their head; for the soul for whom rest of late has become a luxury; the one whose paradise feels lost, and whose current road feels longer and harder. I am here for the one wailing like David asking, “How long, Oh Lord, how long”? (Psalm 13:1-2) Our lives have become urgent. We have been thrown into a desperate struggle. Comfort has become an illusi

27:20 'All in Me'

It is not the easiest thing to feel like a royal priesthood every day. It is easier actually, if you ask me, to feel like the Israelites. A bunch of fearful, traumatized individuals walking through high walls of waves with the possibility of death any time. This pandemic has served a cocktail of sturdy and fragile days. Sometimes I feel like Peter, the confident Christ follower who knows Jesus on levels deeper than the seas; levels where flesh and blood do not reveal some intricate mysteries. On other days, I feel like Peter the traitor. If asked to defend Jesus, I’ll outrightly betray him. Because standing up for Him would mean losing myself, yet I like this version of me, and I am not ready to let go. On a daring day I may go all Delilah on you, and go about life hiding my truth until an encounter with Jesus at the well leaves me questioning why a Holy God would still see past the flaws of a thirsty soul. So much so, He would have an in-depth conversation with me, an

27:14 'WHY BOTHER?' PT.2

Photo Credits: @kilographyke There are a couple of reasons why I do what I do the way I do it. I think the main question here is more the “why” than the “bother”. It is more a question of motivation and an open door to witness what is considered valuable to a person. You get to see what one considers worth it. So here is why I bother; I bother because I do not belong to myself. I belong to God. Any person that has accepted Christ through salvation comes under the authority of Christ. Authority gives instructions while at the same time providing choice and consequences. The choice to live for Christ and belonging to his kingdom comes out of a love for Him. I put God first, then put myself next in line before I let others in. I bother to love because God cared enough to love me too. I bother because I do not conform, but rather I am transformed. My mind is the hub in which dreams and visions are conceived. My mouth is the channel through which they can either be birthed or

27:9 'DESIRE'

  Photo Credits: KilographyKE In the previous blog post I stated that “the basics of Christianity such as prayer,worshipful obedience and humble repentance play a fundamental role in building pillars that will weather the seasons of life in friendships and relationships.” I recently realized that there were specific fundamentals necessary for building thriving soul-level relationships with others. There is a bible verse we many times mention when talking about God’s love and our relationship with others; “Jesus said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:37-40 (NKJV) If you are keen, you will notice, that before Jesus even talks about others, He presents loving God first and then loving ourselves. The soul level begins with God, then with you, before it is directed to any other i


  Photo Credits: @KilographyKe at Qontent Studios One thing ‘independence’ teaches you, is how you never want to be alone. I shared this sentiments with a good friend of mine a couple of weeks ago, after my move out of home. It was supposed to be an exciting period for me, but incidences and circumstances can take a tremendous turn sometimes. Your introspection somewhat feels like an emergency surgery from discovery of ‘internal bleeding.’ That’s how I’ve felt for a while, like I was to be worked on or else I’d lose my mind or eventually myself. And so I wrote to a dear friend who out of the usual did something for me that to date remains priceless. Something that reminded me, why I call a countable few, my friends. It wasn’t almost 10 minutes later, that she rang me. I couldn’t respond because I was held up in a meeting. So when I got home, with a smile managing to form on my face knowing it took a lot of courage to face the day, she called me back. Frankly speaking, I had