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27:14 'WHY BOTHER?' PT.2

Photo Credits: @kilographyke

There are a couple of reasons why I do what I do the way I do it. I think the main question here is more the “why” than the “bother”.
It is more a question of motivation and an open door to witness what is considered valuable to a person. You get to see what one considers worth it. So here is why I bother;
I bother because I do not belong to myself. I belong to God. Any person that has accepted Christ through salvation comes under the authority of Christ. Authority gives instructions while at the same time providing choice and consequences. The choice to live for Christ and belonging to his kingdom comes out of a love for Him. I put God first, then put myself next in line before I let others in. I bother to love because God cared enough to love me too.
I bother because I do not conform, but rather I am transformed. My mind is the hub in which dreams and visions are conceived. My mouth is the channel through which they can either be birthed or aborted. What I state I become, so who I am with, either propels me to talk like a kingdom kid or motivates me to change the narrative. One way or another I am made to stand out, not fit in (Matthew 5:14).
I bother because I have a cloud of witnesses (Hebrews 12:1). They that have gone before me to show me that greatness is possible, they that are beside me that see things like I do, walking hand in hand to carry me on the days I am feeble, and those behind me that are dependent on my stride to live godly lives. There is a generation that is coming behind me that I cannot afford to lead astray. A people that shall be born through me and carry my name and be molded in my frame. My existence should encourage them to please God, not despise Him.

I bother because the one I belong to calls me royalty, and royalty carries itself in no ordinary way. The standards are high, though I have been promised that I am well equipped for the role (2 Peter 1:3). I bother because I realize that it does not take a crowd to qualify a problem as one. It takes an individual with conviction. A conviction that something needs to change. We all have eyes but very few of us have vision, and I want to be among the latter. The ones that are driven by the desire to meet needs. Met needs bring joy. And in a world so desperate for joy, I bother because someone’s joy is at stake, including my very own.
I bother because everything I have is God’s and I want to give back to Him the first and very best portion back to Him. I bother because we are all in a warfare, we may never know what type, but each of us is in a fight. And it is critical that we stop judging people by how they look on the outside and start being more concerned about how they are really doing when they are on their own. I bother because I am in need of a miracle. I am in desperate need of a break through. I am in need of courage to embrace the ongoing shifting in my life, and strength to sustain the standards I have chosen to maintain. I bother because I need God, like my next breath. If God does not come through then for sure I know I am doomed.
This is the truth: Christ saw you and “bothered” to present you as a radiant bride, despite the filth that floods your past. I’ll say it this way, Christ was and still is concerned about you. Be concerned about Him. Be concerned about the things that He is concerned about, particularly His people, and by his people I mean, ‘The World’ as rightly put in John 3:16. The world is not a selected few, the world is not the church, the world is the combination of man and nature living and breathing here on earth. 
I pray that the things that bring God joy, bring you joy too. May your heart be broken for what breaks God. May all that you are and all that you do be for the kingdom’s cause. I reiterate my words in the previous post, “In a world where everyone could care less, be the one that chooses to care more.”
© namwano


  1. Thank you for reminding us of God's goodness. May we always walk in the light as he requires of us.
    Be blessed.


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