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Here and now rests my head upon the lap of the earth reminiscing on yet another episode of folly that almost cost me a dignified reputation. God is a God of countless chances when repentance is genuine; but sometimes you still have to pay the price to learn the importance of sticking it out along the narrow road that leads to life I’m not that good at my step when it comes to the dance floor; I neither walk on toes like the ballerina girl (wherever you are just know you are absolutely  amazing), nor do I break bones like a skinny guy I got to know called ‘Boneless’ when I was in primary school. I could do the basics of a salsa routine, but never get round to “dropping it like it’s hot” under a disco ball-even though I think I can. It could be that I’m daring enough to be different, but really… am I?  The lees of a tango that had been ongoing to the music crafted by addictive nostalgia, opted to settle like fine sand rather than be blown away by the winds of grace ...


I’m a few years into what is known as the critical decade of life. On some days, this journey is a smooth sail, you kick back, relax and you enjoy the blessings that come with being “young and free”. I admit though that clarity on life seems far-fetched on some days and you pay a hefty price for being “young and foolish”. For days on end, I have wondered what God’s will is; for my life and particularly in scenarios that seem to suck the life out of me. In distress, I question “What is your will in all this confusion Lord?” It is hard to comprehend God Himself, which affirms His word that echoes that His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:8-9). Ask me how I got this far in my life, and I’ll probably be quick to let you know “By the way, I too do not know, it must have been and still is by grace, which is sufficient.” Sometimes I wish I knew what next; but eventually when I get to know, I go ahead to inquire the purpose behind the current circum...


It’s funny, how much seems to come to life, when you sit back and observe people and things for a while. You never quite get to witness how life unfolds when you’re busy trying to make major ends meet. It’s understandable though, that’s just how the cookie crumbles these days. The hours of the day are filled with “busy bodies”, clogged minds trying to generate ideas while at the same time create solutions for problems that seem to be cropping up quicker than them. Life is a continuous evolution; not much appears to be the same. Though amidst the unending amendments it causes us to make, I still repeatedly find myself asking these questions, who I’m I? Why I’m I here? Where I’m I going? Sometimes I think I have the answer to these questions, though as life unfolds I then realize, only God has the answers. He will continually remind me who I am in Him. Even then, if I fall prey to trying too hard to be someone else, the reflection I get from His mirror of who I am defies all els...


 Photography by 'Man de Man' Photography I’d like you to stop for a minute and take this journey into the confines of a lady I met called Miss ‘Super Woman’ . I call her so for lack of a better way to describe the way in which she can balance everything she has got to do AND STILL look ‘sweet 16’. At exactly 5:30 am, the alarm goes off. For the next half an hour, there’s a deep intimacy shared between her and her lover-the Father up above. I’m still learning to embrace femininity; that is, spending hours under the sprinkles of a hot rejuvenating shower, singing in or out of tune depending on how your voice opts to sound that morning. I’m a natural honey- make ups, face ups, pamper ups are nowhere in my morning schedule. But Miss Super Woman ... like Esther in the bible probably has a regime she religiously follows to ensure no spots nor blemish appear on her face. Her body; well refined for sure with her style carefully outlining every asset. Mark you, she manages ...