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Photography by 'Man de Man' Photography
I’d like you to stop for a minute and take this journey into the confines of a lady I met called Miss ‘Super Woman’. I call her so for lack of a better way to describe the way in which she can balance everything she has got to do AND STILL look ‘sweet 16’.

At exactly 5:30 am, the alarm goes off. For the next half an hour, there’s a deep intimacy shared between her and her lover-the Father up above. I’m still learning to embrace femininity; that is, spending hours under the sprinkles of a hot rejuvenating shower, singing in or out of tune depending on how your voice opts to sound that morning. I’m a natural honey- make ups, face ups, pamper ups are nowhere in my morning schedule. But Miss Super Woman... like Esther in the bible probably has a regime she religiously follows to ensure no spots nor blemish appear on her face.

Her body; well refined for sure with her style carefully outlining every asset. Mark you, she manages to look sexy and not trashy and make a clear statement, “Talk sense to me or keep at bay”, you know that kind of look, right? There’s just enough for you to see and no; your say has nothing to do with how much you will see. If you can’t take in what she shows, then you are probably blinded and should totally fracture the scales from your eyes... because IT’S ENOUGH!

As she walks out of her well arranged spick and span home, you can tell, she knows her day is destined to be great. With her head held high, her face glows complementing the beauty of the rising sun. She struts away, lost in the planning of the day, while those left to watch her carefully take her steps, either follow her to the point she disappears from their sight or attempt to utter a, “Hallo, you look splendid”, if the words manage to spill out of their mouths.

Miss Superwoman has a pleasant personality. It is magnetic, though frankly I think the beauty attracts more than the personality at first glance. Glaring at her with some sought of envy (my confessions) I ponder on how one would manage to look so, for lack of a better word... perfect. I mean let’s be real; we live in a world where maintaining such fair beauty would probably require extra cost and time. It’s the easiest thing to feel pressured to look like Miss Universe, tall, slender, well bikini fitting body with sparkling and blinding white teeth just to mention but a few. It’s easy to look in the mirror and wonder, “Who I’m I really?” It’s easy to loath your physical image and get comfortable having pretty much a low self esteem about yourself. It’s just easy... and it’s these easy things that I believe prohibit us from really bringing out the best version of ourselves.

We walk around with an imagination of who we ought to be and think that one small flaw (or big) would be a hindrance to me being the “Proverbs 31 Woman”.

Allow me to say this, the human physique does not in any way disqualify the scars that may appear for all to see. Trying to hide certain marks or enhance body parts does not in any way erase the real deposits of your heart.

Many of us assume that perfection is something given all at once. I’m sorry to burst your bubble but it’s not. The secret behind Miss Super Woman’s seemingly flawless look she says to me is no secret at all,

“It’s simple; I work on my outside from the inside. And that’s no secret at all. My relationship with God is the very reason I glow. The more I GROW in Christ, the more I GLOW in Him.”

And does it always remain that way? I ask again,

“Not at all, I have my bad days, when beauty feels far-fetched. You know, you wake up and your morale is running on empty, you look at the mirror and notice some rush or pimples which you freak about, you go by the day receiving no compliment, opt to not go to the gym for the next couple of weeks and you end many days in a state of blame and self pity. Though I don’t stay their long, because at the end of the day, looking at my inner being I realise the positive outweighs the negative. I cry it out, I feel it all, I vent it out before my father in heaven, sometimes with the help of my close friends and in no time I have the urge to be my confident and beautiful self again.”

This is the lesson learnt- your outside is a reflection of the state of your heart. The bible says in proverbs 4:23 “Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it springs the issues of life. What do you harbour in your heart; the fruits of the spirit or the total opposites? You may not be a size eight with a flawless skin as expected by every model agency, but my countenance with you will only radiate love, joy, and enthusiasm if that is what you take time to deposit in your heart.

Your face is like a transparent mirror. You may see your reflection as it is though behind it are gates that open and close at your instruction to the chambers of your heart. And interestingly they open and close to the outside world too, because what is stored internally will reflect itself externally.

So the next time you opt to spend your time and money on some bleaching, or permanently erasing pimples on your face or crying because you’re not a size 0 or 8 or you’re not ‘bootylicious’ like Kim Kardashian, look right into your heart. Is your spring really flowing with the fruits of the spirit? If not, fix your spring girlfriend!

I’m a firm believer in simplicity. My belief has always been, “simplicity breeds creativity”. Don’t be out to do so much with your physical appearance in the name of being trendy. Those who created trends are human like you- SO GET CREATIVE AND LEAD THE WAY. Paul says this in 1 Peter 3:3-4, “Do not let your adornment be merely outward-arranging the hair, wearing gold or putting fine apparel-‘rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God.”

This is not to deter you from taking time to look great, knock yourself out if you want to (with moderation though). The point is that, outward beauty is easily corruptible. Inner beauty on the other hand is incorruptible. Beauty, I’m learning, has to do more with your ‘inner attitude.’

Finally, the scripture still remains the same, “Charm is deceptive beauty passes away, but a woman who fears the Lord shall be praised” (Prov. 31:30). The latter characteristic should be your number one investment. Cultivate the fruits of the spirit in you so as to be able to enjoy the sweet tropical mix on the outside.

Note; these fruits do have a way of challenging you to be the best version of yourself, even in the physical. You won’t want to look great because everyone is dashing for a quick fix to remain with a 16 year old look, you’ll desire to look great because you understand that “your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit” (1 Cor. 6:19-20) and thus, you should maintain it in the best way for its habitation.

The ball is in your court dear one. Remember,

The more you GROW in Christ, the more you GLOW in Him.



  1. The more i grow...the more i glow...that's mine

  2. Very well articulated, we have to come to full realization of who we are and who we represent. This will stir us up into handling our bodies with care(the temple of the Most High)

  3. Great! And good background!


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