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It’s funny, how much seems to come to life, when you sit back and observe people and things for a while. You never quite get to witness how life unfolds when you’re busy trying to make major ends meet. It’s understandable though, that’s just how the cookie crumbles these days. The hours of the day are filled with “busy bodies”, clogged minds trying to generate ideas while at the same time create solutions for problems that seem to be cropping up quicker than them. Life is a continuous evolution; not much appears to be the same. Though amidst the unending amendments it causes us to make, I still repeatedly find myself asking these questions, who I’m I? Why I’m I here? Where I’m I going?

Sometimes I think I have the answer to these questions, though as life unfolds I then realize, only God has the answers. He will continually remind me who I am in Him. Even then, if I fall prey to trying too hard to be someone else, the reflection I get from His mirror of who I am defies all else, and I choose to reflect more on that than on my faults and failures. If anything, they have made me who I am today, and if Christ approves me as I am, then that is the only approval I’ll ever need. But why I’m I here?

Some time back, that was a question that endlessly haunted my mind. I sought for answers in all I thought would at least shed some light on an assignment I knew I ought to be doing. Books were read, advice poured from the few that in my view were mature enough to give wisdom and encouragement to my troubled soul. However, for the most part of it I never felt quite certain that I really knew why I was here.

A time comes though when, you opt to stop asking questions and keep still. I spotted a picture among the several that I had kept with me that read, “Be still and know that I am God,” derived from the scripture, Psalm (46:10). It takes guts, to put faith into action. It takes effort too. The truth of the matter is that, the effort we put in should not be our own, but by the enablement of the Holy Spirit (Zech. 4:6)  So many times we are quick to speak and act, but slow to think, analyze and pray. And even when we pray, we give God a mental time frame on when and how He should respond. I ask you then, who is in charge of your life? Since when does the ‘created’ tell the ‘creator’ how it should be made and where it should be placed?

I’ve been a victim severally, of telling God how my life ought to be and how I should lead it. The more I planned out how to live my life, without patiently waiting for Him to unveil His plan, the more frustrating my Christian walk became. It felt more of a routine, rather than a relationship. I was looking for something greater, better and more fulfilling, forgetting that I needed more of the ‘giver’ than the ‘gift’. Nevertheless, all this did bring me to a place in which I had to surrender everything I had. The best position to have God do His work in your life is at the end of yourself; that place where you let go and let God. The place where you choose to have faith, serve by faith, live and walk by faith, instead of relying on your own understanding.

At that point in time, understand that God may be causing this to happen for you to realise that it’s time for you to wake up, shake off comfortability and launch out into new horizons. We may not know where exactly the road may lead, but we have a loving father that is always present to guide as we take each step to fulfil His calling in our lives.

Take time and develop your faith. Faith is like a pair of bird’s wings. Unless, you are let go into circumstances that require you to fly, you will never strengthen them. You will remain knowing that you’re a bird but never really act like one. Life goes by so quickly, and the more time we waste searching for signs and wonders or waiting for “physical evidence” of who God really is and His nature, the more immune we become to the working of the Holy Spirit within us. So yet another question to you is this, do you believe in God? Do you trust in Him completely to have his divine purpose for your life to come to fruition using His outlined path and not yours?

Each of us has a special path outlined by God for us to follow. God has a specific assignment of which He has a map to guide. We often spend time wishing to be on a highway rather than a bumpy road. We wish to cruise above the oceans of life’s happenings instead of swim against the tides. Truth is you are going to encounter difficulties. A point in time comes when the storms of life will challenge your strength and sometimes knock you down. Don’t give up. It is then that you put your faith into action... but how so?

I believe that each of us is gifted in one way or another. Whether you’re multitalented or have one single thing that you thrive in, that is your gift. God gives gifts not for competition but edification, not for popularity but for the blessing of others, not for fame but that all glory and honour will be unto His name. With our gifting we are able to dream of where it is we’d be or better still what God would have us do with what He has given us. It is important therefore, to take time and identify what it is that God has gifted you in. Could you create a dream from it and make it a reality, by serving God using your gift?

It is sad, that many chase after dreams that seem more popular than others or bring in more revenue than others, not really paying attention to the motivation behind what they do. A dream led by the wrong motivation only brings temporary satisfaction. If you do not love what you do, then don’t chase after it. Let God lead you on where it is He would have you maximize your potential. Then and only then will you be able to thrive even when the road seems long and tough. Why? Because the dream that you have was implanted in you by God, and as you have identified it, you believe and carry the promise that “he who begun a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ.”Phil. 1:6.

You don’t have to be old to do something great for God. Start where you are: avail yourself at this very moment and be open to be used as a vessel of honour, a channel through which multitudes receive love and hope and see a reflection of Christ. As God’s vessel, you are to allow the owner to use it as He pleases, for He knows what is best. He knows where it is best placed. He knows what substance would be appropriate in it for it to play its role. It isn’t just put forth as a beautiful presentation but an addition-an enhancement to the already built position and surrounding it is in. That in itself, is a reflection of faith; and without this faith we are told that it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6)

God is in the business of transformation. He never changes but that very nature brings about change for His people, to mould them into those who are able to do His will. You were born and created for impact. You were destined to be of influence as the character of Christ influences your way of living. Right where you are is right where you need to be to make the difference you desire to see. Transformation is not a task limited to time, gender or age. It is available to all that seek to work, persevere and endure faithfully enough to live a dream.

For every level that you rise to, there are new challenges. For every new challenge, there is a lesson to be learned. For every lesson learnt, there is wisdom and knowledge acquired. We are not immune to failure, but we have no excuse not to get up, because, there’s promised grace that is sufficient. (2 Cor.12:9) And as all this takes place in the circumstances that we may be in, there’s a special gift of strength that is developed, not just for the present but future as well. Take advantage of the storm to learn from it, don’t run from it.

As I challenge you then to serve on eagle’s wings, amongst the greatest lessons I have learned while in the mission is that, we all are on a journey. Nobody is perfect. We are different and each of us despite our strengths and weaknesses has a role to play. We were made to complement one another. We are to compose a sweet symphony that is gentle to the souls of they that feel lost in a dark world. We are to be in harmony with each other. We may all be quick to dare one another to face challenges, but let us all gracefully be available to those who may not be strong enough to walk on their own. Give me a challenge, but let me know that I’ll still have your shoulder to cry on and your arms shall be open too if I happen to feel I may not make it through.

I stumbled upon this quote recently by Rex Rouis that brought to life the essence of Serving God on Eagle’s Wings. It states that, “It is faith alone, in Christ alone which alone moves God, when you’re alone”.

Live in the confidence that as you diligently serve God in whatever capacity, it is your faith that will cause you to soar higher than ever before. Focus on God not only in times of need but when you experience His great blessings as well. Remember, there’s always a song for each season, including strain and pain. None of them go unnoticed, each of them serves a purpose and if you keep up with the journey, it shall unfold before your very eyes.

So go forth, to you who has not begun; go forth and start to serve. For you who is well into it, keep on serving... and be still, for “In rest, is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength.” (Isaiah 30:15)


  1. Wow Nash...did you write this????? How did you get to be soooo wise and eloquent at such a young age???? You truly are a wise soul living in such a hip and trendy body.. Thanks for this post - it is AMAZING. Be blessed in every way xxx

  2. Heart wrenching truth told from a soul desperate to know God! Additional text..Eph 2:10, Acts 17:26-28. God bless you

  3. Wow! Am speechless. What manner of wisdom is this!!! You are so blessed. Can't wait to read more.

  4. This is an awesome insight, in fact, i will point a few friends here who need to know such truths...good stuff Nash

  5. Amazing Namwano, I ask this question so many times too , I love you answer, yes it is time to let the Creator direct us, time to surrender , trust and have faith. I especially like the verses you put. Good job ��

  6. Wow this is awesome, I have been truly blessed and challenged. Please keep witting, God is using you to change may lives.

  7. I am lost in your words,but right there lies with you such astounding wisdom...need i say mo....twinny..

  8. Awesome!!!..................... and as beautiful as you are. May this candle that is burning in your soul keep burning brighter and brighter!!! I am so....... proud of you!!!

  9. I needed the giver more than the gift :) :) very profound :D


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