THE OL’ SCHOOL DIVA’S DIARY In a world where the trending acts of lust and sex among young people continues to be on the rise, one cannot help but wonder where the gold ol’ morals disappeared to. Our generation sorry to say is quickly becoming immune to the differentiation between ‘black and white’. For some reason, there’s no clear distinction between the two. We live in a world prone to accept shades of grey when it comes to making decisions. A “No” is no longer a clear distinct no… there’s always a maybe or how far can we go without getting into trouble. A “Yes” is no longer a clear yes; it comes with conditions to be fulfilled. Look around you and you will see-we are trying hard to deal with a menace that is spreading fast throughout an entire generation. I remember while in lower primary, I always paid attention to the frequently quoted statement, “You are the chosen generation,” but now years later, I actually wonder, if we really are, and if indeed we are then w...
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