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Mirror mirror on the wall who’s the fairest of them all? You tell me… prepare to be surprised by the answer as we go along.

It’s been a while since I actually sat down to jot down my thoughts; I can’t really state a specific reason to it… I guess like most people do at some point in their lives, they take time out of the usual to refresh themselves, think through their lives and spend time restructuring what seemingly was going down the drain- Its part of life.

There are days everything seems to be looking up, others simply suck the life out of you and you are consumed in a dark cloud with nothing to look forward to. The good thing though is that it was a season; seasons come and go, you can’t lodge in a dark tunnel forever, if you still have some little faith in you, then there’s no doubt you will not settle for less than wanting to wake up from the nightmare into a glorious dawn.

I went through the tunnel and now I am out of it, better, stronger, wiser and a totally changed young woman ready to conquer the world’s opportunities set before me. So cheers to “A Brand New Me”… I pray you will still be influenced by “The Ultimate Combination of Beauty, Character & Strength.”

It’s great when you feel brand new, not just on the outside but inwardly too. When you decide to get rid of the clutter within and just lay it all at the feet of Jesus to make you over again, life then has a new meaning. Not only do you know that burdens are lifted but you believe it and feel it. After all his word says, “Give your burdens to the LORD, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall” (Psalms. 55:22). The burdens we carry vary. What may be minute to you may be a unmovable mountain to another. What you may think easy, to someone else may be an exam they are certain they will fail. But you too can be in a position where everyone says, you are fine but inwardly you tell yourself you’re not. In fact you convince yourself so much that you consider it a joke that someone would think you are perfectly fine.

Not long ago, I was taking a stroll on the beach (by the way this has just become my best hobby) absorbing the rays of the sun, generously and mercifully resting on my physique. The walk through the clean sand was rather uneasy given that it burned my feet like hot coal forcing me to walk right close to the lake. I didn’t want to get in so I sauntered not too far from the dry shore. Looking out into its endless flow, I tried to figure out where it would end but the answer wasn’t forth coming. Oh well, it wasn’t an exam, so I didn’t stress much about it and opted to think of anything else worthwhile. That too didn’t go all too well. An empty mind beside a shore… sounds strange, but I simply continued strolling; listening to the refreshing sounds of waves and tides beating each other every five seconds. Children on the other side, were busy jumping off a man made bridge, out doing each other with flips into the lake… and with every splash came a resounding “Oooooooohhhhh” from the well interested audience, to express their bewilderment. Others young at heart, just lazily lay on thin, sisal mats while others chatted away, collecting shells and gazing into one of the most beautiful pictures of the intimacy between the puffed clouds and the bright sun. It indeed was a sight to behold. And so was something else…

I read somewhere that shadows make lonely company. Well that would be true to some extent, but this time round, that was just a plain lie. As I was walking back to where I had placed my belongings, I happened to visualize a shadow; this one was pretty unique, as it captured my attention for quite a while. Outlined near the sands of the shore, was a dark picture of a well-defined body. You couldn’t see the glimmering eyes if there were any, nor could you see a sharp nose or glistering, white teeth, but you saw … a well-outlined, well-defined figure. If shadows were real humans then this was definitely one to die for. It was an attractive view. It would strike a pose every other time and the view would only prove better. To my advantage, I had my phone, and captured every other pose that I was able to. With that I smiled satisfactorily and headed back to my bay to cool off from the scorching sun which was now becoming more unbearable than loveable.

Scrolling through the photos, I couldn’t help but think to myself, “Wow.” Anyone looking at me and finding out what I was smiling at would think I am mad woman, but that wouldn’t bother me as I was marvelling at what I considered a sight to behold. With every shot I had seen, it made me think to myself, if this is what someone’s shadow would look like under the sun, then how much more when they look at themselves in the mirror?

It’s a bit bizarre to try and think about it this way, but hear me please…

Many times especially as women, we tend to focus so much on the negative aspects of our selves instead of working to bring out beauty that lies within. We validate the opinions of others as our measuring scale of how well we should look instead of seeing what we have and making the most out of it. It pains me, when I see how many young lads would move heaven and earth to look like so and so, or have a body like so and so, so as to be considered so and so and feel good about themselves.

Listen, the world is not looking for copy cats; the world is in dire need of original stand outs. It may not scream that fact in your ears but let those who have ears hear this. Original standouts see what they have and work on making it better. They don’t work because they feel like it they act because they know it is right for them to do. They don’t search for what is trending, they create, initiate, develop and set a standard that others will also uphold. An original standout lady doesn’t seek happiness from clothes, men, money, being loud mouthed and fame, she seeks holiness in developing a Christ like character of love for all, care, gentleness and upholding the values of a Godly woman.

Many have been convinced to believe that claiming and owning the things of this world is what will make you head right to the top. Well I have news for you; it is the relationship that you have with the creator of those things you seek that will lead you right to the top. The world has so much to offer but you have to seek what is appropriate for you through the eyes of God so as not to be caught up with the demands to have this and that and the other when it’s not even needful.

To do so…. You have to change the mirror in which you look at yourself. Who is your mirror, the world around you or the God who made you and His word? The Bible is one of the greatest gifts given to man-kind. I love the fact that it is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Hence, when I open it, it draws out who I am and what I should believe whose it says I am. I am royalty. I am divine. I am beautiful, fearfully and wonderfully made(Psalms 139:14)

You may have heard this things a couple of times, but I am learning that, it is one thing to hear someone say it. It is another to actually believe it is true. God’s word is truth and the only way we get to realize that is if we believe and trust in His word. This then allows His manifestation to take place in our whole being, mind, heart, body and soul. Right now, these are not verbal clichés …this is real talk. Don’t allow the whim of momentary emotions to dictate facts that are signed, sealed and delivered to you from God’s word. Mark you the devil doesn’t have to shout to the whole world to convince you that you are not worth it, he is crafty. One word from your boyfriend like, “I wish you would cut down your weight,” or one sneak preview at a model on the magazine and he whispers, “ You’d be appreciated more, if you looked like that,” or better still you come out and post half nude pictures in the name of getting attention from the male species (word of advice by the way, do not be surprised if he doesn’t take you home or opts for a lad who is more decent and old-fashioned in your view- the man wants a wife for himself, not a woman for all)… these things happen, we know them, we see them and for some of us we are probably webbed up in them. But we shouldn’t be controlled by them.

I know all too well, what it feels like, to dress like a first class ‘chiq’ but inside you feel like a trampled on doormat with mud. You feel ugly, less attractive and consider yourself unworthy because you are not like the rest who look like the best of the face. But who or what is your mirror dear friend? Is it the world or is the creator of the world? Is it the latest fashion label clothing the stars of the century or the one who clothes the lilies of the field?

Who or what is your mirror?

Today, if you have to think through this, take your time to be honest about who or what dictates how you view yourself. If you don’t like what you see, then be honest about it and tell your Father in heaven. Tell Him why and ask Him to love on you so much that you fail to focus on your imperfections and see the beauty that He created. It doesn’t matter what you have done… God is the only one I know who is ever willing to take you back just as you are and rejoice in the fact that you are giving Him room to bring out the best in you. He loves you and is in love with you. (Jer. 31:3)

For Him it’s not what you see, it’s what He knows you to be.

And if you choose to lay all else aside, and pick up His mirror and view yourself through it, you will be amazed at the greatness that lies within that is bubbling to come out. It takes courage, I know, to put all else aside and find identity in Christ. It takes time; it may even take some tears-breakdown if you have to, on realizing that all the while you have been a diamond in the rough but never really accepted that value. Then start a fresh. You can only look down on yourself for too long my dear… it’s time to move.

But don’t do it alone. Seek to be around people of positive value. People who speak life into your spirit-whose greatest desire is to see God’s purpose fulfilled in your life. You need those words to keep you going.

Avoid comparing yourself to others. Comparing yourself to others is somewhat a state of immaturity in that you grow letting others define your walk and talk without taking initiative to be your own person. People have lives they are living, unless they send you a memo stating “I want you to be like me, because being like me works”, do not fall for copy-pasting another mortal’s identity. We are all special in our own unique way; that is how God made us. We are part of one body but many parts. Some of us need to be legs, others hands, others brains etc… now if you compete to be a hand yet you ought to be in the brain sector, not only are you absconding your responsibility in the body of Christ but you are foolishly wasting an opportunity that may be given to someone else to put to use. Learn to be you. Love you, be you and do you. The world desires you as you are because there’s a role only you can play… not a copy of someone whose work has already been established. So just be you. Find that thing you are good at-pursue it and strive to be the best at it for the glory of God. This also applies to dressing. Don’t dress because everyone is dressing that way; don’t dress because it’s trendy; don’t dress for happiness-dress for holiness. Few people never understand how that actually works (so ladies, be among the few and you will learn how decency and modesty not only make God proud but attract Christ-like character men that understand the value of such a rare gem.)

But above all you need God. Take time to view yourself through the word of God-that is the ultimate mirror. Identify with the characters in it, you may be surprised they may reflect you and what you do but God still used them too. The word of God is not just a book, it’s a mirror. When you open it, it stares right back at you-reflects exactly who you are… jot down all that it says about you. Remind yourself daily, because it doesn’t change. It is the same to eternity.

So I ask again…

Mirror mirror, on the wall

Who’s the fairest of them all?

You my dear… yes, I say it’s you

You don’t believe it, but I dare say it’s true

Look in the mirror and admire the view

Of a one-of-a-kind creature, beautiful and new

It’s not a tall tale, it’s not misleading

So if you think it will change then stop waiting

Because from this day forward this is all you will ever see

A worthwhile treasure… for as long as you see through Me.








  1. Amen. I stand simultaneously encouraged advised and warned. Keep up the straight testimony namwano!

  2. :-) Take time to view yourself through the word of God-that is the ultimate mirror. I like. Amen

  3. I love your work my dear. viewing mys self through Gods word

  4. You have such depth young lady :). Amazing. Viewing ourselves from God's mirror :)


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