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I am a masterpiece
A compilation of shattered pieces;
And whose chaos is defined as beauty.

I am a masterpiece,
But like every other work of art, I am a piece of work.
Beyond the pretty face, is the woman I aspire to be,
Once a pretty girl, now a pretty lady, but still an unfinished art.
There is a stroke of flaws to paint, tracks of tears to smear,
An array of scars to hang, and a buffet of wisdom to share.

I am still, a masterpiece,
Admittedly, in need of consistent mastery of peace.
I am the fine china that took time to be molded,
The diamond that withstood flames for refinement
Glare at my glory on your shelf,
Let me effortlessly dangle from your neck,

Know this nevertheless,
If handled chaotically,
It is easy to break
If worn haphazardly,
I slide off and sadly branded “fake”,
With no one anymore to call me their own.

I am a masterpiece
Encrypted on the palm of a master potter,
Edited frequently,
De-cluttered ruthlessly,
Ripped at every edge,
But a work in progress, simultaneously.
I am a masterpiece… Handle with grace!



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