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31 days ago, I begun on a random journey of challenging myself to keep it positive through out this entire month. #31DaysofPositivity

I say random, simply because it had nothing to do with sitting down and looking for a manual or guidebook to give me steps to achieve happiness (so for those who thought that all the while, there was a book I was faithfully commited to, I'm sorry to burst your bubble-there wasn't.) All were lessons learnt, thoughts and inspirations on my mind on particular days that challenged me to be real and positive at the same time.

I was busy going through my pages catching up with the latest updates on several social media sights and happened to stumble across a quote that stated this;

I will no longer let the negative things in my life spoil all the GOOD I have. I choose to be HAPPY!

In my head I thought that was quite a challenge; easier said than done-given the fact that the past months here in a foreign land haven't been the easiest in my life's journey, it was something I considered appropriate to take into consideration. One thing about me that many don't know, is that I love a challenge. If there's none, then I sure enough find it in myself to create or find one. I love fighting for something I put my mind too. Not neccessarily to win, but because it gives me the opportunity to learn and make me a better me :-)

Assuming that the writer of this quote had probably been through experiences that stole the joy that was once experienced from within, like him or her I resolved to do the same. I'm not too sure for how long, but I gave myself 31 days, to see whether or not, I could maintain a positive attitude, despite and inspite of the many trials that were bound to discourage me. It was a done deal. I had made up my mind and pulled together a couple of good friends of mine of whom I was accountable to, just incase I went against my word.

Words fail me to express how my journey has been. It hasn't been a smooth one, but I pulled through each and every passing day, reminding myself that I had the choice to determine whether or not I'd remain happy and blessed and speak life to myself or be blown to the ground every other time by the winds of the storms.

I stood my ground, and once in a while I thank God for those around me who would reminded me of the covenant I made to be positive... they'd ask me why I was speaking contrary to how I was supossed to act and it got me back on track. I couldn't escape. I had to lead by example. Not for the popularity but for the sake of my integrity.

It occured to me that I wasn't doing this on my own from the feed back I recieved from people who were also on the journey with me. Patiently timing every update, every lesson and inspiration to challenge their thinking and boost their morale to keep on moving forward and not giving up. Some I knew, others I've never met, but through it we have become one. A people who have chosen not to rely on how they feel but rather believe what they know, has been signed, sealed and delievered to them by whose they are.

I'm not only grateful, but humbled to be of influence in such a small way. It's true, the smallest things make the most significance. It had nothing to do with making a name. That has and I pray will never be my intention. I give what I have and what I have is what I have learnt and inspirations that come from God Himself. I speak from what I've been through. I speak what I discover is the truth. I speak, not to be heard but for those who choose to listen and find interest in what I have to say. It's not about the masses, it's about self change. If I can be a light, and that light can shine for even one person to see which way to go, then my mission is complete. For they too, will be a light to someone else and it will continue to spread until we outshine the emerging darkness.

It begins with one individual. I chose to be that one individual. I begun with me.

Now for you who have been with me on this journey, I challenge you to go forth and be the light to someone else. You have a light, that someone needs for them to begin on their journey too. As you grow and learn, you will realize who that person is, it could be a group of people too... shine your light to your last breath.

As I conclude, I end with these words,

You are an ordinary person, turned extraordinary, by and extraordinary God, to do extraordinary things in an ordinary world. So go forth and Shine.

It is your time!

Below are the nuggets/lessons/ inspirations for most of the days, for those who may have missed them. You can write them out, but I pray you will always remember them and keep them in your heart as well. Mark you, 31 days may have gone by, but you still have the breath of life, so you still have an obligation to keep it positive.


Day 1:

"I will no longer allow the negative in my life to spoil all of the GOOD that I have, I choose to be HAPPY."

Day 2:

"O God, I beg two favors from you, let me have them before I die.
First, help me never to tell a lie.
Second, give me neither poverty nor riches.! Give me just enough to satisfy my needs. For if I grow rich, I may deny you and say, "Who is the Lord?" And if I am too poor, I may steal and thus insult God's holy name."
Proverbs 30:7-9

Day 3:

"The older you grow, the more you get know and see who you're true friends are... that's just life; you have no choice but to embrace it's reality."

Day 5:

I am blessed, I am blessed, every day of my life I am blessed... when I wake up in the morning and when I lay my head to rest, EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE I AM BLESSED.

Day 7:

"If you allow people to make more withdrawals than deposits in your life, you will be out of balance and in the negative. Know when to close the account."

Day 10:

We all have our fair share of problems, but what happens when we tend to focus too much on them is that you end up having a bigger chunk of problems. Though if we choose to focus more on our possibilities, then we will realize we have more opportunities.
So go forth and keep it positive.


Day 13:

Appreciating what you have first and fore most instead of grumbling and chasing what you don't have gives you true happiness joy and contement. It's in making the most of what I have and learning to create myself that I have realised I have so much going for me and along the journey, I get to be blessed eventually. It all begins with you, before the rest of what lies around you makes it's generous contribution. I am blessed.

Day 14:

The thing that society may not tell you is that satisfaction doesn't come from rewards... it comes from appreciating the progress that one has made. Moving from level A to B is progress and still has to be appreciated. Don't focus so much on attaining the reward of your deeds that you forget to look back and see the distance you have pulled through to get to where you are. Even that simple, 'a-day-at-a-time' kind of journey is worth appreciating. Don't be too hard on yourself. Be proud of yourself and strive to keep moving; slowly but surely. You will make it if you keep at it. It is well with you.


Day 15:

Seasons come and go, though most times they make us feel that they intend to last forever. But what if we took a paradigm shift in relation to our thinking? What if we took one more step? What if we tried one more round? What if we chose to believe once more in what may seem impossible? What if we went an extra mile? What if we chose to simply be different for once in our lives, not to make an impression or to make us feel good but because it is the right thing to do in order to see a change in the world around me and you?
It all begins with you.... if you think you can, then you can. Now challenge yourself and go beyond the thought and transform it into action. You can do it, don't give up don't give in... keep at it and you will eventually reap the result of the impact your perseverance has had in the world you live in.

Day 16:

There's something people run away from that I believe is one of the most crucial things in life to build and make you a better person. It's called 'The Process'.
Most times people aren't interested in options to work their way through to the finish line. They only want quick-fast solutions. A process is not made to kill you; it's meant to heal you. It's meant to refine you. It's meant to stretch you to a point where nothing but the best flows out of you at the end. If you have a series of actions and steps that you have to take to get you to that destiny you often dream about, take the risk. Be courageous, be bold. Tell yourself you can do it and do it. Move.
Trust God for yourself and what He says, because that is what you need to propel you to the next level. It isn't about what you think, it's about what He says to change your perspective to be aligned with His. So be positive. Go through the process. Scream through it, cry if you must, take the journey through the rain, dance in it, keep walking and in no time your sun will come shinning down on you with the finish line staring right back at you. You can do it. It is well with you.

Day 21:

God has perfect timing; never early, never late. It takes a little patience and it takes a lot of faith but it's worth the wait.
So be still, keep trusting, keep hoping, keep believing, you're help and breakthrough is on the way.

Day 22:

The smarter you are, the more selective you become especially with those you call your friends. You don't need a crowd, just one or a few who practise what they preach, mean what they say and stand by you come what may. It's called... Being Wise.

Day 23:

The Lord is your Banner (Jehovah Nissi) Carry Him with you, for with Him, the battle has been won and Victory is yours, in Jesus Name. So walk boldly and confident of who and whose you are.
(Exodus 17:15)

Day 24:

One of the things that gets me through my days, is playing the most important role of my life, i.e. "Being Myself". No pretence, no copy pasting ... just the original me!
God knows why He made you the way you are and not the way the world expects you to be. Live in the confidence that You are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God and above all believe, He has great plans to prosper you and not to harm you; but to give you a hope and a future. Run with that and hold on to it, whether or not you accept it, it remains the same.
It is well with you.

Day 26:

The crowd you keep has two things to give you... Growth or destruction. Watch for those who especially find it in their heart to tell you when you're going down the wrong road. Those one's? Keep close. Watch out for those who are ever present when you're at the best but unavailable or bring up excuses when you're at your worst. You might want to distance yourself from them, for your own safety.
Walk with the wise, and you shall be wise.
It is well.

Day 28:

The thing with positivity is that it will most times require you to do that which is uncomfortable. It may test you. As you go through this week, it could be that you have been keeping it positive yet the relationships around you are bitter, sour and unhealthy. You cannot enjoy effective positivity if you still hold on to a past that requires to be just that, the past. Choose today, to first and foremost, accept that you have been wronged, take both the good and the bad and surrender it all to God. Finally, FORGIVE! You're not doing the other person a favour so don't do brag about it. You're being positive, by doing the right thing. Doing right is not a matter of comfortability, it's for your security.

My challenge for you this week, Keep it positive by determining to do what is right.
It is well with you.


Day 29:

One of the best things you can do for yourself if you ask me, is challenge yourself to do the impossible. Mark you, not everyone will support you. Don't get too surprised though, walk with your head high fixing your eyes on the price. In this life you will meet those people who will tell you, "You can do it" and those who may try and convince you that what you're out to pursue is impossible, or in simplicity... you can't. Listen to the first voice, not because it sounds good to the ear, but simply because it is written in God's word. (Phil. 4:13) Don't let those who say "they can't" interfere with you who knows and believes, "You can" and "You Will".
It is written, so believe it and run with it. YOU CAN DO IT!


Day 30:

A look in the mirror and the reflection of what you see makes you feel unworthy... that happens a lot especially when looking back, your track record has more failures than victories. But the truth is in God's eyes you are more than a conqueror. In God's eyes your battles have been worn. In God's eyes you are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God. God did not create ugly. He made and formed you, breathed life into you. You belong to the giver of life itself, what is it that you need that He cannot give? Beauty is in His hands, Wisdom, He gives to those who ask for it, knowledge and understanding too, He gives, if only we ask. Don't stop asking. Keep at it. Persist. God is never tired of hearing you out. So keep asking, keep seeking, keep knocking, believing that He shall fulfil His promises to you at His appointed time. Don't give up!
It is well with you.

Day 31:

"And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honourable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me-everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you."

Philippians 4:6-9

I pray God continually gives you the courage and strength to do with each and every passing day.

It is well with you. Blessings be upon you now and always.







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