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“Knock, knock.” Who’s there? VALENTINE’S DAY!

To some they’d go the extra mile to make their extra special person feel extra special on this day or season. To others, they care less that the world will be painted red and the words “I love you” will be exploited in all manner of ways; shapes and sizes.
I sit in the middle of an empty room as I write this short piece-with nothing but soft sheets of moonlight soothing my weary soul. Life can be crazy-the last thing on my mind is to spend an extra dime or time on somebody-all in the name of Valentine’s Day. Did you ever notice it appears in the middle of the month just after you have squandered your first salary of the year? How sad! And if I don’t do something nice for my baby, it’s concluded, I probably don’t love you as much… really?
Take a chill pill this valentine’s. Relax. That doesn’t mean you forget that this day exists on our calendar-it means, divert your worldly perspective on the “world-is-painted-red” season and picture it from the kingdom’s view. In the kingdom, the main theme of our existence is Love, however not many have experienced it. We live in a world where love has lost its meaning. I love what John Hagee once quoted in his book, “Christianity without love is just another cult. The world does not care what we know until they know that we care.”
You can never pin love to a day. It is something that ought to naturally flow in and out of you come-what-may.
It was never meant to be conditional; it was to be unconditional, whether or not you have someone special in your life. Love goes beyond an individual, there’s a whole world around you searching for something to hold on to-it is the love that God has given you. 1st Cor. 13:4-8, tells us exactly what love is-what we should practice on this valentine’s season and all through the year.
Check your patience; check your kindness. Have you been enduring through the hate of your critics or are you always up in arms with them trying to win the fight. As I said, take a chill pill-LOVE with patience. Out-do the bad man by continuously doing good. That is kindness.
Stop being a ‘wish man’, always envying what others have and not caring to give God thanks for what you have. Envy is the most painful companion; it brings you close to what you want in your mind but never lets you enjoy it with your hands. Run away from it.
If you’re those people who parade yourselves for all to see ‘thou art The Star’, Stop it and start showing your love by humbling yourself before the Lord, so that He may lift you up. Don’t be rude. Show your love by having good manners-IT IS VERY CLASSY BY THE WAY, and there’s nothing wrong with it.
Love is not about Me, Myself and I. News flash; the world doesn’t revolve around you and it isn’t always about you. Show some love this season by Giving. Share what you have no matter how small, you’ll be surprised the difference it will make in the other person’s life and the sense of satisfaction and happiness that will rain on you that day.
Don’t be easily angered. Control your temper and quit having to comprise irritability as a dictator of your next move. It’s not cool and sure enough, IT IS NOT LOVE!
Last but not list, be loyal. Love never fails. I know we are human and cannot be perfect, but let it be said of you that like the covenant made between the bride and groom, “you promised to be with me through thick and thin and kept your word”.

Need I say more? I don’t think so… so go out beloved and Spread the Love all year round, as will I.



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