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I love my life. The high days and low existences all conjured up in one big colorful bead just makes it all the more sensational. I am that girl, you know that girl? That girl, who takes a day at a time, doesn’t move until she’s 100% sure she is right, but still along the way takes the risk and finds out “it wasn’t so bad after all?”
Yes, I am that girl; that girl whose in love with being the martyr and never desires others to be that for her. Actually I do, it’s just that I don’t show that side of me most times. Though through the lens of God, I believe in being vulnerable… as hard as it may be, it is one the tools one needs in their survival kit in this journey called life, plus, it’s a requirement in my relationship with God (Hebrews 4:13)(and yours too)
A while back, my buddies and I engaged in conversation about numerous topics under the sun; genuine love, trust, being judgmental and more so living life as a closed book. The last one gripped my attention “Living life as a Closed book” –simply because, I am a victim. You know those people who wish you could love but they are just difficult and stubborn to allow you to do so? Yes, count me in-been there, done that.
Each individual’s life is a book. It’s up to you to resolve two things: whether you will open it up to the world and allow others to go through its chapters of vulnerability and learn from it or leave it closed on the bookshelf to gather dust with no one fretting about it thus degrading its value.
You cannot live on Ireland forever. You cannot expect to be loved if you do not allow others to love you. Opening up is a risk, I kid you not. Being a book, there are those who will peruse through while there are those who read the chapters of your life to see if they can relate and find encouragement. There those still who will read it pick out the baggage and spread it with their whole world. My advice, give everyone room to do so. You cannot please everyone that’s in contact with you. Be true to who you are. You will notice there are those who will want to hold another pen beside you and help you inscribe your life’s story.
I put together a couple of quotes that I love to bring out the lessons I have learnt about Living Life as An Open Book.

Books are medicine for the soul.
Your life experiences could be what someone needs to hear to be at ease and be encourages. There are those who may cry when hearing it and mention “You are so strong and courageous”. That is a splendid opportunity to share these words, “If He can do it for me He most certainly will provide a miracle for you.

Books are not made for furniture, but there is nothing else that so beautifully furnishes a house.-Henry Ward Beecher
You are part of the family of God. You are that unique piece of art that God created and stated “It is good. Be proud that you are a part of the family of God. A place where we are charged as His children to carry each other’s burdens, confess our sins to one another, pray for one another and above all Love one another just as He has loved us. Your life is a book; let it be a manuscript that one notices, is attracted to and removes it from the shelf just to read its content. Your story is scripted by you with the help of a marvelous Creator-God. You may not inspire the whole world, but the few you do were the required audience.

Nothing is worth reading that does not require an alert mind.-Charles Dudley Warner.
Understand that when you live your life as an open book, all sorts of people will walk into it. You really can’t know a person fully and most times you trust they have your best interest at heart. If you realize they don’t, don’t hang around; step aside and let them go-move on. For those who will actually have your best interest at heart, allow them to do so. Those who want to Love you as their neighbor as they love themselves. Don’t be quick to push them away. Open up! You can always begin slowly but surely, there’s no hurry. Not everyone is evil… understand? Amidst it all, there is always someone who will want the best for you. So take the chance to write your story with them in the picture- it will be a beautiful one, not just for you, but those who read it too. 

A book is a garden, an orchard, a storehouse, a party a company by the way, a counselor, a multitude of counselors.-Henry Ward Beecher.
As you imitate Christ, cultivate the fruits of the spirit within you. (Gal.5:22-23)  As I said your life is a book. When one reads it, let them find it sweet to the spirit and refreshing to the soul. Be open my friend. It’s only an open book that can help edify and make a difference. The greatest thing is that even as you write your story while living your life, what you have already jotted down can be a lesson to they that read the book. So don’t stop, keep writing. In simple terms … “let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” Matt. 5:16

Finally brethren, always remember…

Your life is not just ordinary. The pages of your book are not lifeless paper. They represent a life that is alive and making it.
Each page has an audible voice. It may be silent to the whole world but those who read through the book hear the message you have to give. It’s like music with different types of genres. You are a particular genre for a particular audience.
You were created for such a time as this. Your life has lessons-Lessons that you learnt. Those are the same lessons you will probably impact others with.  But how do they learn if you forever remain closed?
Be an open book. Never be afraid to show who you are. What you have been through or what you may have done in the past did not kill you. It made you stronger and wiser. Share that wisdom with your life as an open book. William Hazlitt said it best, “Books let us into their souls and lay open to us the secrets of our own.” Be that kind of book.
At the end, I pray that when your audience read it, they’ll be drawn to God through you; the best writer of the best open book ever seen and heard.


  1. Great read! That God may use my life as an open book to encourage many

  2. Amen!!...wonderful message right there..


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