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27:25 "I See You"

To exude elegance under pressure is an art that one learns. It does not come easy. It comes with fear, sometimes in overwhelming measure. But I have and I am still learning, that you never really live completely unafraid, you simply learn either how to control it or go about your business in spite of it.
I used to think that I needed big platforms with big crowds to use and validate my voice. Looking back I realize that it is not about the numbers or the wide stages. There are people who rarely go to the crowd to get the message. But they are searching, and they are hungry for that personal, relatable interaction. They are willing to be open to one who can reach them where they are at. My most impactful ministry just happens to be to people I barely know, people I will probably never meet, but they will come up to me or write to me, telling me how they admired my dressing and love for God, that they wanted to be like me. They will tell me how they vowed to serve God for the rest of their lives from watching what I did and how I lived.
I always wondered why I did not have the numbers on known platforms, but recently I was reminded of this, that with or without the ideal numbers that make one popular, people are watching you. You may not see it or feel your own impact based on statistics, but someone somewhere is watching and believing because for some reason, if God can do it for you, they are assured He can do it for them too. We say a lot without using words yet we do not even know it. We do a lot too by simply being ourselves and ultimately striving to become all that God designed us to be from the beginning of time. Perhaps our greatest call in life is simply to be ourselves, and be ourselves having secured our identity in Christ. This is a lesson learned from me to you;
Never adjust your performance to your audience. Give your very best AT ALL TIMES. As you practice to become perfect, each session is a performance. You are performing before your obstacles; you are performing before your trials; you are performing in front of your vision. Let your vision know you mean business. Whether behind the scenes or to a large crowd, whether to one person, and more so to our audience of one up above, use what you have. Use your gift; use your skill; use your talent; use your voice, no matter how small you think it may be, somebody somewhere is listening. Somebody somewhere is watching.
Image: From Pinterest


  1. Very inspiring piece of writing. Great job.

  2. Love this, I relate. I have always wanted the bigger stage, but I have been reminded today, you never know who is watching. And always you have to start small, and grow progressively. Very encouraged by this piece.


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