Photography by KilographyKE I have had a couple of conversations over the past few weeks that are the backdrop of what I’m sharing today. If you have been keen of late there seems to be a war waged between the real and the ideal. It is from this war that adversary is birthed and continuous judgement continues in the courts of hearts, deliberated by the mind. With everyday that goes by, there is effort exerted to mend the relationship between the real and the ideal with the testimony of the truth. But none wants to give up the fight. The real and the ideal both want to win. The demand for perfection has become high, now more than ever. To show authenticity or exude vulnerability is almost unacceptable in a world that thrives on toughening up. But at the root of all this is the entitlement many have embraced over humanity. Don't get me wrong, there are instances where instinct automatically has us make positive judgments. However, I believe we are all guilty of having o...
The Ultimate Combination of Beauty, Character & Strength.