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Photography by KilographyKE |
I have had a couple of conversations over the past few weeks that are the backdrop of what I’m sharing today. If you have been keen of late there seems to be a war waged between the real and the ideal. It is from this war that adversary is birthed and continuous judgement continues in the courts of hearts, deliberated by the mind. With everyday that goes by, there is effort exerted to mend the relationship between the real and the ideal with the testimony of the truth. But none wants to give up the fight. The real and the ideal both want to win.
The demand for perfection has become high, now more than ever. To show authenticity or exude vulnerability is almost unacceptable in a world that thrives on toughening up. But at the root of all this is the entitlement many have embraced over humanity. Don't get me wrong, there are instances where instinct automatically has us make positive judgments. However, I believe we are all guilty of having opinions and making decisions based on thoughts, perceptions, feelings and evidences that are untrue and claiming our right standing before God as we prove our points.
The joy of living comes from focusing on improving one's self. As the Bible rightfully puts it, "Make it your goal to live a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your own hands, just as we instructed you before. then people who are not believers will respect the way you live, and you will not need to depend on others." (1 Thessalonians 4:11-12) It is by how you handle yourself, exhibiting good conduct and leading a life of integrity that others find reason and substance worth respecting. our daily goal among other key ones should therefore be to be diligent about improving ourselves that we are courteous in judging others.
You cannot judge and love at the same time. If we are to do to others as we would want done to us, then we are better off judging them less and ultimately not at all. Judging is often a reflection of one's heart posture. And while we judge, we fail to view people's shortcomings as opportunities to bring out the best they could be. Limited knowledge of the history of an action, behavior or lifestyle is not substantial for judgement. Perhaps it is for us therefore to master the art of observing without evaluating.
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Photography by KilographyKE |
The truth is dear friend, silent wars are being waged. Long distances are being traveled and among those we judge are flawed people that are striving and engaging in disciplined effort to improve their own self. They will not always get it right, but if you are the light or the world, use it to guide, not to burn. Judgments eventually shed light on one's ignorance. A self created judge will perhaps point out flaws to hide their own deficiencies, and this insensitive nature often comes from a deficiency in one's senses. I think it is unjust to measure someone else's weakness against your own strength. We should bare in mind that those whose weaknesses become visible to us do have strengths as well, and their strength may very well be your greatest weakness.
The only way to know what is plainly right and plainly wrong is by knowing the truth. Truth is a set standard and God gives us the strength to maintain that standard. the catch here is how we give it. Do we tear apart or do we like God balance between being both firm and tender? (Think about it) I was reminded about a week ago of this verse, that came more as a conviction to do better than think I was better,
"Therefore let us stop passing judgement on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister." (Romans 14:13, NIV) I believe we all have a responsibility. First, not to pass judgment on anyone, but secondly and most importantly, to watch our walk. Be responsible over your thoughts, perceptions and behavior. The aim in whichever relationship you are in is to live at peace with each other as well as build and improve one another morally and intellectually. And this is where we ask God for wisdom. The wisdom to know what is appropriate for a particular context and contentment to be okay with it. Not all that we say ought to be said. Not all that we do ought to be done. Not every offence requires a reaction, because God Himself remains the trust worthy judge.
Perhaps it is high time we erased the invisible measuring scale we use to rate others and then ask God to forgive us for thriving in our pride, because no one has the right to define another, but has been commanded to love them. The true colors of a person shine so that rather than being blinded by the flaws, we are compelled by them to pour the grace accorded to us, even as we embark on shedding truth that will eventually set us free.
Great stuff.
ReplyDeleteWorth the read 💯
Amazing read actually.