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Do what you have been assigned to do when you have been assigned to do it, how you have been assigned to do it. It's pretty simple, saves you the reality of unwanted consequences.

Never hesitate to go the extra mile. IT DOESN'T HURT. You really never have to wait to be called so that you work, JUST DO WHAT YOUR HANDS FIND DOABLE.

Work like the Boss. Treat what you are to do like it's your very own business. One day you will run your very own business and probably have people work under you. Ask yourself, 'How do I want my employees to work for me?' Aha. Then think through it and do the necessary.

Never work for appreciation. Work because of Passion. Let the Passion be what drives you, and not the money or reward at the end. Passion gives inward satisfaction, a reward that you can get if only your goal for the money is not the main one.

Love what you do. If you don't, chances are the results may not prove otherwise; Ana even if they do, the feeling of satisfaction isn't bound to last long.
Last but not least, in summary.....

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom. Eccl. 9:10

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Col. 3:23-24

Take time to evaluate yourself, purpose to re position yourself for greatness. This won't come easy.
You will probably need time out to check your flaws and correct them; and please when you recognize them, don't choose to play the blame game. Take responsibility for your actions and start a fresh on a clean slate. It isn't too late.
Determine to do things right for once in your life, as I said not for the reward but all to the glory of God.
Maya Angelou said it well, "Nothing will work unless you do."
Quick one to leave you thinking;

What if you were to be evaluated with God on a one on one basis, would He be proud of your work so far? Would He be pleased? Would you be proud to present yourself before God in confidence and say, Yes, I did my best, I did what I ought to and this is what I have to bring?

Think about it...

"Be regular and orderly in your life, so that you may be violent and original in your work."-Gustave Flaubert.


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