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Too many times I have found myself caught up in a fantasy web musing over the kind of guy I would want to have in my life as prince charming. I have taken time out to reflect, write down and cram “My check list for my ideal guy”. So every where I go, I have that list on my finger-tips and when a guy has the guts to approach, I quickly gear my self up with my imaginary slick pen and paper, marking and crossing where necessary while outwardly pretending to be taking pleasure in his company. Some managed to capture my full attention, and when that happened, in the stillness and quietness of the night, before I shut my eyes, I’d retrieve the hand-written copy and physically and intellectually go through it again; marking and crossing out where necessary. If I for some reason felt he had most of the characteristics I desired, then without blinking I’d shut the book, sleep and await for the break of dawn, to probably see what the future may hold. With the many times this has happened, I have come to realize, that though my standards were pretty high, they were very much unrealistic. There’s so much I expected the guy to do for me. On the list was more of what I wanted him to be and do, and less of what I’d want myself to be for him and what I’d want to do for him. Submission was the last thing on my mind. I never wanted to envision the end from the beginning, because my limited thinking forced me to believe that if I am to humble myself, I’d never have the chance to be at the fore-front. He’d take over, misuse his powers and I’d feel more like his slave than his counter-part.

That’s what happens when you choose to believe the happenings in society instead on basing your arguments on the word of God. You take in so many myths and convince yourself otherwise, thus making God look like His word is an absolute lie.

One thing I have learnt as a young, single lady is that while waiting for Prince Charming, you have been given a platform to enjoy God’s maximum attention. You have less to worry about as a single woman… No husband, no children, probably no rent; Just your relationship with God and your education to say the list. So what do you do as a lady in waiting?
Dance with God! God is the perfect gentleman that countless times, calls you by name, just to spend time with you. He’s the one guy that countless times comes forth to your door step, asking this question, “May I have this dance?” Too many times, we often, say we are too busy for him, with school work, church work, or sometimes yet another gentleman we suppose can do a better job than He can. I can only imagine how hurtful it may be for him-Although He keeps coming back-over and over again.

A piece of advice: Never compromise yourself to be with someone God never intended you to be with. Never compromise yourself also, to have something God never intended you to have. Our human nature at times may cause us to chase after something or someone just to appear in some status quo or get rid of the desperation that bubbles within. Then eventually we have a world full of people who have broken hearts, pain and sorrow, singing songs about heartbreaks and finding it hard to move on from it all.

I believe since we have the mind of Christ, like Moses we must decree, “Lord if your presence doesn’t go with me, there is no way I am going to walk into this relationship” (Ex. 33:15). We should be firm in our walk with God and state, “Unless you give the go ahead that “this is the way, walk ye, in it” (Isaiah 30:21), I shall stay put. There’s something I have learnt from a quote that I read, “If you don’t know your worth and your value, do not expect someone else to calculate it for you.” You are royalty; An Heir of the Kingdom. If you didn’t know, now you do. You are precious to God. He bought you at a price, so don’t allow yourself to be someone’s something when you can be someone’s everything.

Let not desperation drive you to do what you feel is right for you. You really don’t know you the way in which God knows you. So desire more of He who knows you so that find out exactly who you are…hint to that, you are a masterpiece. 

Focus on the one man that saved you over 2000 years ago. Whose desire is never to see you suffer but enjoy the very best that He has for you. Mark you, all that He offers is the best, so you have no excuse whatsoever to stoop down low and accept mediocrity when God is in the business of treating you like royalty.

Every good and perfect gift comes from the Lord (James 1:17). You are one of the gifts God has placed in this world for someone to come and enjoy. Don’t settle for temporary pleasure that results in eternal sorrow. Wait patiently for the man God has set aside for you. It’s easy to be the kind of woman that needs a man, but try being the woman a man needs… You will see the difference. Your good and perfect gift shall be sent from up above, and I pray you will enjoy.

In the mean time, let your main man be God himself. He longs to do all that you have written down on the check list for your ideal guy. By the way, note this, first you have to be the person that you want to meet. Cultivate those characteristics and qualities in yourself first before sending God a whole list of things He desires to see in you as well.

The only way to do this is to be connected with God. If you’re one of those people who have slammed the door on His face after His request, please reconsider walking to the door of your heart and allow Him to come in and dance with you. He is still standing at the door so you need not go and look far.

My friend once expounded this for me and I thought I should share with you... God is the great play director. He perfectly knows how to fit everyone in character. In this case, he has chosen you to be the main character in this life scene. All that has gone into play to make this work is amazing and He is the greatest choreographer of all time. He wants you to play the role of the perfect dance partner. Whether or not you know the routine is not the issue. As long as you are ready to get on the dance floor, give of yourself and let him lead. This dance does not stop, up until the perfect partner (which he has ordained and set apart for you) steps in.

God is asking, “May I have this dance?”

What will your answer be?

Be blessed!


  1. wow wow wow!
    I love the striving to be the ideal for him... other than marking the list 2c whether he is ideAL 4ya...
    way to go!

  2. Well written, real, moving, true, with Scriptural references. Clearly you're a rare breed of single girl. Keep the faith! :)

  3. Encore Sharleen! Brilliant piece and the truth echoed so eloquently. May your blog keep blessing this generation


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