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I'd like you to take a minute and just stop what you're doing-but if you're reading this you can continue :-)
Take a while and just reflect on those times, you have asked yourself, why I'm i still single?
Then, think of a time you felt lonely and try and remember what you did... Did you think of someone? DO you think of people? Did you think of something, you know like you get this sudden crave for crisps and chocolates to try and drown your loneliness?

This may be one of the shortest things I will ever say on this blog, but sometimes it is the brief things that we say that actually make a difference. I hope this will be one of them...

I don't know about you but, I can tell you for sure that being a single in the 21st century is not the easiest of things, especially  if you intend to keep your self chaste until the day that you say I do. In this journey of life you will find millions of people who will somehow just succeed in making you feel or sense that there's something a bit or TERRIBLY wrong with you if you are single. Trust me I have had may share of those moments and hmmmm....they were interesting, stories to be told on another day, over some tea, don't you think?

But anyway, there's a simple mistake I got to realize about us singles. We tend to allow ourselves to fall in love during those vulnerable moments when we feel we actually need someone. Otherwise truth be told, most times we don't even really bother.
It's in those times of loneliness, that you wonder, hmmmm, what could he be doing? Or, what could he do for me. Or you wonder what would I do with him or her here, true? VERY TRUE!

But let me share with you something that I read; a quote that made me think, and made me change the way in which I view my single-hood, and the goals I intend to achieve...

"Fall in love when you're ready, not when you're lonely. Find a heart that will love you at your worst and arms that will hold you at your weakest. Find someone that isn't afraid to admit they miss you. Someone that knows you're not perfect but treats you as if you are. Someone who couldn't imagine losing you. Someone who gives their heart to you completely. Someone who says I love you and proves it. Last but not least, find someone who wouldn't mind waking up to you in the morning, seeing your wrinkles and grey hair but still falls in love with you all over again..."
Don't allow yourself to dwell in a world of fantasy, because in the coming future, you don't get married to a fantasy, you get married to REALITY.
You may dream yes once in a while, but it is important to understand much more will be expected when you allow that person in your life. And when they come in, so does reality. It ain't all rosy, and once you keep that in mind, you will not let anyone treat you in an unworthy manner.
So guard your heart, until you know deep down, the time is right, and God has given you the ultimate go ahead. This time does not go wasted, because God himself is preparing you for the other person.
So enjoy this season of being on your own...
In simple terms..."Dear heart, fall in love when you're ready, not when you're LONELY!"
Great day.


  1. SINGLEHOOD is a grt tym to discover urself.take it frm me things wl b so much easier when u hv known who u r and u dnt nd the other person to fill in the blaks of who u r.and yes love waits,its perfect in its own time.

    1. thanks for the response

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      Once again thank you very much, for passing by here, your visit means alot.


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