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Showing posts with the label Grow

27:10 'CHECK-IN'

  Photography by: @kilographyke I read an interesting quote a while back that stated this; “In 6 months time, you can either be in the same place or a better place. Focus everyday on improving your health, wealth and happiness. It will take time, but you can make it happen.” As I pondered over the month that has gone by, I decided to do a kind of check-in with myself. Check- ins for me are important, to clarify patterns, habits and behaviors that have either improved and are reflecting a better ‘me’, or have changed and thus exhibited a version of me that has minimal growth. Honestly I can go about thumping my chest about how good I am… but that is not the case today. I think what we perceive as good is humanly relative. But what God says is good, whether or not we accept it as so, is true. There is something many of us including myself use as a tool to try and make us feel a sense of relief. The statement, “I’m not perfect.” Sometimes though, we misuse it as a weapon t

27:9 'DESIRE'

  Photo Credits: KilographyKE In the previous blog post I stated that “the basics of Christianity such as prayer,worshipful obedience and humble repentance play a fundamental role in building pillars that will weather the seasons of life in friendships and relationships.” I recently realized that there were specific fundamentals necessary for building thriving soul-level relationships with others. There is a bible verse we many times mention when talking about God’s love and our relationship with others; “Jesus said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:37-40 (NKJV) If you are keen, you will notice, that before Jesus even talks about others, He presents loving God first and then loving ourselves. The soul level begins with God, then with you, before it is directed to any other i


 Photography by 'Man de Man' Photography I’d like you to stop for a minute and take this journey into the confines of a lady I met called Miss ‘Super Woman’ . I call her so for lack of a better way to describe the way in which she can balance everything she has got to do AND STILL look ‘sweet 16’. At exactly 5:30 am, the alarm goes off. For the next half an hour, there’s a deep intimacy shared between her and her lover-the Father up above. I’m still learning to embrace femininity; that is, spending hours under the sprinkles of a hot rejuvenating shower, singing in or out of tune depending on how your voice opts to sound that morning. I’m a natural honey- make ups, face ups, pamper ups are nowhere in my morning schedule. But Miss Super Woman ... like Esther in the bible probably has a regime she religiously follows to ensure no spots nor blemish appear on her face. Her body; well refined for sure with her style carefully outlining every asset. Mark you, she manages